Showing posts with label Outsourced Bookkeeping Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outsourced Bookkeeping Services. Show all posts

Monday, 18 November 2013

Would you love it if you got bookkeeping services at your rates?

Now this is something a lot of business owners would die for. Bookkeeping is one of those things that really come in the way of having more time for business, at least in the beginning stages. First off, it is assumed to be very simple. It is said to be simple enough that you need not hire a bookkeeper to do the job. This is what gets most business owners into trouble.

It is not as simple as it looks!

The crux of bookkeeping is nothing but recording of expenses and income with documents to back the transactions. It is not rocket science. However, things get complicated when there is software involved. Let’s face it. A lot of us are not software savvy. We are maybe good at many tasks but software could baffle us and leave us struggling. Most of today’s bookkeeping is software based. What’s worse is that popular bookkeeping software is designed for bookkeepers and accountants rather than lay people. Hence if a bookkeeper were to learn the ropes of bookkeeping, he/she is going to have to struggle quite a bit.

Hiring a bookkeeper is not an option for many

This is understandable given that there are obvious budget constraints with small businesses. Also, there are always more urgent expenses to attend to. However, all is not lost with hiring a bookkeeper when you can take up bookkeeping outsourcing services with a credible outsourcing company.

Yes, you read right. There are companies today that offer bookkeeping outsourcing services. It functions like any outsourcing service. You need not worry about the costs and the risks. There are systems in place to assure you that your financial data is safe and in the best hands they could be.

The benefits are immense, the cost savings being the biggest one. Next to that comes flexibility. You are paying the bookkeeper only for the amount of time (hours) they spent on your task.

All in all this is the smartest way to get bookkeeping done on a budget. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Are you in a “bookkeeping fix”?

Are you frustrated that you have to take care of your books of accounts yourself?

A lot of business owners are required to manage their bookkeeping themselves in an attempt to save costs. Bigger companies can afford accountants but smaller businesses and freelancers are forced to find ways to minimize costs for obvious reasons. So managing their bookkeeping themselves is one of the options.

However, doing this is difficult for 2 reasons – it is time consuming and mundane. Also, it is hard for someone without an accounting background to manage these financial matters. There are these tough accounting terms and procedures. Even for someone who is acquainted with accounts, this takes time. Plus there are updates to tax rules and regulations; they have to keep a really good track of these in order to ensure that their books are up-to-date. This in itself is a huge chore. So a lot of business owners end up spending sleepless nights and extended work days in order to meet these requirements.

But this cannot go for long, can it? Also, this is not worth all that trouble. As they say, there is no free lunch. If you are trying to save costs on the bookkeepers’ fee, you are paying for it by sacrificing your family time – but is it really worth all the trouble?

If you are looking for an easy way out of this, you can consider outsourcing your bookkeeping activities. There are several bookkeeping outsourcing firms that specialize in this area. They take excellent data security measures, hire experienced accountants and have years of experience. They are also acquainted with a range of accounting software such as QuickBooks, Sage, PeachTree and so on. You also save on overhead costs this way. So, hire virtual assistants for your office bookkeeping requirements right away. You have nothing to lose.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Getting rid of your bookkeeping troubles

Have you ever wondered if your business accounting troubles can be solved?

If you are having trouble maintaining your books of accounts all by yourself, you ought to look for other options. How much longer are you willing to put up with sleepless nights and frustrating calculations? Running a business is certainly challenging – there are important business decisions to be made, clients to meet and so on. Amidst all these tasks, it is tough for you to keep track of your day-to-day business expenses. As your business grows, so do your expenses. It might seem like a daunting task, nevertheless, it is important. Never underestimate the importance of accounts books. Updated books come in handy when you are getting ready for the tax season. If you do a lousy job of bookkeeping, be ready to pay a heavy penalty to the tax authorities.

So now we know the importance of bookkeeping. However, one cannot deny that it is a frustrating, annoying task. If you are not familiar with a lot of accounting terminology, it is even more difficult. Either you can hire an in-house bookkeeper or try and purchase accounting software. Both options have their pros and cons. Hiring a person saves time but costs you a fortune in terms of salary and other overhead costs. Software perhaps saves you a little money but it has its own cons such as constant software updates, difficulty to operate and so on. So we are back to square one.

This is when outsourcing comes into the picture, as this option saves you both time and money. It is often very rare to find such a win-win solution to problems. Countries like India and China are popular for the outsourcing industry – outsourcing to them is really a good option – the currency rates, time difference etc play to your advantage if you are in, say from the US. Make sure your outsourcing partner has taken enough security measures to protect your data – and you are on your way. Check out Integra’s bookkeeping outsourcing services right away – you have nothing to lose.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Why choose bookkeeping outsourcing for your business

Have you ever wondered how to save time and costs on your bookkeeping?

There are many possible ways. You could hire a professional bookkeeper. You could go to an accounting firm and let them take care of your monthly bookkeeping. Or you could find a simple bookkeeping software app and manage your bookkeeping yourself.

But with each of these, there are more cons than pros. If the objective is to save costs, hiring a bookkeeper defeats the objective. Usually accountants and professional bookkeepers charge a fortune. If you are a small business owner or a freelance individual, that kind of service might be hard to afford for you.

On the other hand, if you choose to do the accounts yourself with the help of some accounting app, the objective of saving time is lost. True, they might be slightly better than spreadsheets, but with software, you have updates, and other configuration problems. Also, if you are someone without much of an accounting background, you would also not be able to understand a lot of terms used in the accounting software. It would be frustrating to go to the support team for everything and consulting manuals. So now you have effectively spent more time and money than you would have liked. That’s the opposite of what you are trying to achieve!

So is there a way out if this?

With bookkeeping outsourcing, there definitely is!

There are many outsourcing companies in places like India, where you have professional bookkeepers and accountants working for you at very affordable rates. They are trained to manage books of accounts and are acquainted with a lot of software apps.  Because of the difference in currency, you get to save a lot. There is a win-win situation. They get paid and you spend less money and gain more time to focus on your more important administrative tasks.  

Try bookkeeping outsourcing today – you have nothing to lose.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tired of managing your accounts books yourself?

If you are a business owner, you are probably tired of managing your books of accounts yourself. There are several things that you would have to do as a business owner – you have to meet with your clients, stakeholders, work with your staff to get things done – and bookkeeping is at the end of that list. True, bookkeeping is not exactly the most interesting task in the world, but it is important to do this so that your books of accounts are in order and ready by the end of the year for tax season. Otherwise, you are going to have to pay a heavy price in terms of penalty. 

If you are thinking of alternatives to managing your books yourself, the first that probably occurs to you is to find an in-house bookkeeper. It would be great to hire someone else just for this as it is like a huge weight off your shoulder – but then you end up having to pay a fortune for the bookkeeper’s salary. Apart from his salary, there are other overhead costs such as office stationary, computer, software installation, hiring and training and so on. We are talking about a lot of money here. If you are okay with spending so much, you can go ahead, but honestly, is it worth all the trouble?

You could at least look at other alternatives, the best of all being, outsourcing. Yes. If you outsource your bookkeeping to professionals in countries like India, you get unbelievable rates. It is really a win-win situation because of the difference in currency rates. They are happy, you are happy. The only thing you need to wary of is data-security measures. Make sure they have taken efforts such as 24/7 surveillance, privacy policies with employee etc, to protect your data. Once you select the right outsourcing partner, bookkeeping is nothing to worry about. Your accounts would be updated and prepared while you sleep. Give bookkeeping outsourcing a try, you have nothing to lose.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Are you a small business owner looking for a bookkeeping solution?

Being a small business owner is not easy. Yes you do have the privilege of being your own boss and making the big decisions, but that does not mean life is all comfortable. In fact, it can be quite the opposite when you take on all responsibility at the work place. It is quite natural to find small business owners doing the job of two or more people. Basically, it is smart to do whatever jobs you can such that you don’t have to take another employee on board.

This makes complete sense except that work can tire the hell out of the business owner. Now this is also bearable. What is worse is, having to do a task that you are unfamiliar with.  Most business owners are in misery when it comes to doing their bookkeeping. Let’s face it. It is a mundane task and which takes a lot of time. The software for the task is not necessarily easy either. End result? There are bookkeeping backlogs which have to be cleared before the accounting tasks can commence.  This invariably costs the business owner more than what it would have cost to hire a bookkeeper.

Here is what they should do

Bookkeeping services are right now being offered by outsourcing companies. The service is as good as the ones provided by your local bookkeepers. The only difference is that you are outsourcing it. Now there is no need to be scared by the word ‘outsourcing’. More and more small business owners are turning towards these professional bookkeeping services offered by outsourcing firms. 

It is greatly cost effective and is the perfect solution to the bookkeeping problem.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Professional bookkeeping services at affordable rates

If you are struggling with your business bookkeeping, it is perhaps because you are a business owner trying to do too many things at once. There are several things that a business owner is responsible for – such as meeting with the clients, staff, and investors and so on. Amidst all this if they have to also do secondary business activities such as accounting and bookkeeping, call answering etc, it could be way too much for them to handle. If you are in the same situation, here is an easy way out- something that you can think about. 

Outsourcing professional bookkeeping services 

There are several outsourcing firms in places like India and China and you can outsource your bookkeeping activities to them. These are places where you can get your bookkeeping done for more affordable rates. That is because of the differences in currency. Also, because of the difference in time, you will be able to get things done sooner than before. Outsourcing has many benefits – one of the biggest thus being cost savings. 

The only thing you should beware of, however, is data security. Measures such as 24/7 surveillance, privacy policies with employees, 128-bit encryption etc have to be in place. Choose a reliable outsourcing firm such as Integra Global Solutions, so that you can be confident that your data are secure. They follow strict security measures and have been in the industry for quite long. Their primary services include outsourced accounting, virtual assistants, professional bookkeeping services, and customer support and so on. 

One thing that business owners should remember is that, when they outsource business functions, they do not also outsource the power they hold. They are still the boss. The outsourcing professionals are there to help ease their troubles, not cause more. So they do not have to fear anybody misusing their data, since those areas are covered under the terms and conditions governing the contract between them and the firm. Confidently outsourcing your bookkeeping to the right firm – and that would turn out to be one of the best business decisions you have ever made.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Do you hate looking after the bookkeeping yourself?

Small business owners and owners of startups take care of almost every aspect of their business; everything from attending to the reception to presiding over client meetings. It is simple; the idea is to not hire too many employees by taking on as many tasks as they can. Many business owners are comfortable doing this unless it is a task they are not familiar with. Unfortunately bookkeeping comes under this list. Clearly it is something better done by bookkeepers, but not all businesses can afford to keep one full time. Therefore they try and do it themselves.  Although many find success in this over a period of time, it is just a time consuming task. It is mundane and commands a great deal of attention.

Do business owners have that kind of time?

No, time has to be made. Business owners hardly have time for sleep let alone time for bookkeeping. They have to make it, much against their will of course. So you must wonder if there is no other alternative. If there is no other way bookkeeping can be done without being a burden on the business owner.

No worries, there is a solution!

Such businessmen can go in and hire a remote bookkeeper. A remote bookkeeper is one who does the bookkeeping through remote access. Remote access is a system that can work as long as there is an internet connection. It is about giving the bookkeeper access to your computer whereby he/she can complete your bookkeeping tasks from right there. This way the documents never leave the safety of your computer. Remote bookkeeping has grown to be a real fad and has become a popular method to get bookkeeping done. It is very flexible, allowing the concerned personal’s to choose the hours and it is extremely cost effective. Business owners only have to pay for the bookkeeper’s time.

With this system in place you can safely transfer the burden of bookkeeping and other related paper work to a remote bookkeeper

Friday, 19 October 2012

Bookkeeping for businesses made easy

If you ever thought that you are spending more time for your business bookkeeping than necessary, it is better that you started looking for help from a bookkeeping firm. Because the other alternatives are not very pretty. 

An in-house bookkeeper might seem like a suitable option but then it is going to cost you a lot. If you are ready to pay a fortune to just get your books updated, you can go ahead with this. The cost would include hiring and training, installing computers and software, office space, bookkeeper’s salary and so on. If you think it is worth the cost, you could choose this. In most cases, it is not.

The other option is to use better bookkeeping software. A lot of accounting and bookkeeping applications have been released but the major issue is that they are quite complex. They are great for accountants – they know the language and it is easy for them to use. If you are a non-accountant it is going to be hard for you to get a hang of it. Apart from that it might be expensive. So you got two options ruled out.

But, you have not run out of solutions. You can always try outsourced bookkeeping. The main advantage of outsourcing is the cost reduction. The overheads are reduced since they are working from a different country. Therefore you have professionals working for you at a different place, at a lower cost. Why wouldn't anyone take the offer? Many people feel that outsourcing could be risky but as long as you ensure that all data security measures such as 128-bit encryption, 24/7 surveillance and other privacy policies are in place, you have nothing to worry.

Check out many firms and choose the best outsourced bookkeeping service provider. You will then have more time to take care of your core business. 

Friday, 13 July 2012

Excited about business but dreading the bookkeeping?

Every business owner irrespective of the size of their business is thrilled to get new leads. Just the fact that the marketing efforts are beginning to bear fruit is great positive sign. But there is a downside when it comes to small businesses. Although business owners are enthusiastic in the beginning stages, they are bummed out when it comes to the bookkeeping. This is because most of them take care of this task themselves.

Yes, bookkeeping is fairly easy as it is not as advanced as accounts so a lot of business owners do it themselves. All is well and good till such time the business begins to grow. Invariably the amount of transactions increase and bookkeeping starts to become a pain. It is a time consuming task that demands a great deal of attention. There is no room for error as this forms the basis of accounts. Hiring bookkeepers to do the job will only be a liability to the company in the long run.

Wondering if there is a solution?

There is and it lies in outsourcing. There are BPO's today that specially cater to the small business market. Outsourced bookkeeping services is among the popular services offered by them. If you are small business owner looking for bookkeeping help, this is your best bet. It is amazingly cost effective and therefore great value for money. With outsourcing, you no longer need to dread bookkeeping.